Month: October 2017

8 Ways to Make Someone Else’s Day

We all have bad days. It’s inevitable. Sometimes it’s just waking up on the wrong side of the bed. Sometimes it’s a fight with a friend or loved one. Sometimes it’s feeling overworked and underpaid. Whatever the reason, bad days happen to the best of us. But there are also times when someone else is […] Read more…

8 Mistakes I Made Early in my Career

Even the best employees make mistakes. Everyone does. It happens. It’s what we do with those mistakes that really count. Did we try to fix things as soon as we found out? Did we apologize, if necessary? And most importantly, did we learn from them so that we don’t make the same mistakes again? In […] Read more…

Fall Bucket List

Fall is my favorite season! The changing leaves, cooler weather and outdoor activities always excite me. From fresh produce to festivals to sweaters and booties, there is so much to enjoy in the new season. Now, as you know, I’m a fan of lists. And while I already have a pretty extensive bucket list for […] Read more…

Help Fight Sunday Blues

8 Things I’m Thankful for on Sunday

Don’t spend Sunday feeling down… I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get the Sunday night blues. It’s like Friday at 5pm and Monday at 8:30am are just too close together. When you hustle all week, the weekends are just too short. It’s very easy to fall into a sadness on Sunday night. It’s […] Read more…

USA travel blog

How to Overcome Writer’s Block

…Especially When You Think Too Much I think too much. I always have. It’s one of those qualities that I simultaneously love and loathe about myself. I’m inside my head and sometimes I can’t get out. What does that mean exactly? My dad calls it “analysis paralysis.” He didn’t make that up. It’s a concept […] Read more…