
stick to resolutions

How to Stick to Resolutions Throughout the Year

Tips for accomplishing resolutions at any time It’s officially summer! As we celebrate the warmer weather with barbeques, pool parties and trips to the beach, it’s also a good time to reflect on how our year is going.  We’re now more than halfway through 2018, so if you made a New Year’s Resolution in January, […] Read more…

Believing in a Dream

The biggest lesson I learned after graduating college is to always believe in myself.  Throughout my entire life, I’ve considered myself a hard-working person.  In high school, I always took high-level coursework (AP, honors, etc).  Back then, the goal was to get into a great college.  In college, the goal was to get a good […] Read more…

My Blogging Journey Has Begun

Post No. 2.  I’m feeling pretty accomplished.  Like I said before, starting a blog has been on my to-do list for quite some time.  It took me realizing that I’m already in my late-twenties to actually get my fingers typing.   If you haven’t read my list of 30 things I want to do before […] Read more…