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(And why you should start one, too!)

I guess I’m still fairly new to the this whole blogging thing.  But so far, so good.  I feel a certain rush when I think about my blog.  So, I decided to jot down five reasons why I got started.  And maybe (if you haven’t already) you can start one, too.

  1. I love to write.  I’ve probably said it in every post I’ve written so far.  I love to write.  Writing is my passion.  This has always been the case for me.  Since I learned to put letters together to form words and words together to form sentences, I have called myself a writer.  The sad part for me is that I let my passion fall to the wayside.  With a hundred and one excuses, I lost the habit of putting pen to paper.  But deep down it was always there.  Little slivers of stories that I created in a daydream.  Fragments of articles on things I learn day to day.  There’s always something going on in my head.  And now I have a place for my writing, and I’m so happy for that.
  2. When I write it down, I know I’ll stick to it.  This blog started with a list of 30 things I want to do before I turn 30.  With less than two years until that milestone and a very ambitious list to get through, I needed to hold myself accountable.  What better way to accomplish a goal, than to throw it out to the entire universe.  The great thing about keeping this journey in a blog is that I can continuously stay updated on my progress.
  3. I can look back on my journey.  Along with staying updated on my progress, I also have a record of everything I’ve accomplished.  If I look back on my life thus far, I wish I had taken better care to jot down some notes.  It’s little moments that add up to big achievements, but we often forget the small steps we take along the way.  I want to start recording those little moments so I can look back and say, “Wow, look how far I’ve come!”
  4. I can connect with new networks.  For those of you reading this, you probably already realize that blogs can develop huge communities outside your everyday circle.  When I read through other blogs, I’m taken on a journey.  Whether I’m reading about a trip to Taiwan or an adventure in DIY decorating, I’m transported to a place I never expected to go.  And when I read something that’s super interesting, I drop the writer a note.  Those connections are priceless.  Where else can you share your innermost thoughts about any topic and connect with folks from around the world who want to experience that with you?  Oh, the beauty of the blogosphere.
  5. I can challenge myself.  Starting this blog was a big leap for me.  I have thought (and thought and thought) about starting a blog for a very long time.  But something was holding me back.  Maybe it was the fear of failing.  Or the fear of putting myself out there.  Or the fear that no one would want to read it.  At the end of the day, I talked myself out of it or found excuses.  Then one day, I realized, if not now, when?  And so, I took a leap of faith and here we are.  I can’t say that I still don’t have some fears.  I mean, I may fail or expose too much or never find an audience.  But I know that those fears are nothing compared to the fear of missing the opportunity to find joy in writing.  

So there you have it.  A long-winded 5-item list of why I started blogging.  If you’re reading this and you don’t have a blog yet, what are you waiting for?!  If you love to write, have goals to achieve, want to remember your journey, look to make new connections and seek a new challenge, then do it!  If you already have a blog, what are some of your reasons for blogging?  Drop me a note in the comments section to let me know why you do what you do.

4 Comments on 5 Reasons Why I Started a Blog

  1. I posted on why I started blogging too this week. Great minds think alike? 🙂 It’s amazing how much we learn by starting a blog. I didn’t know about WordPress and social media before I started. But, in just a short 3 months, I created my own website and learned so much. Writing is also a way to express ourselves to the world. Lovey meeting you on this journey.

    • Thank you so much for reading, Herlina! Great minds do think alike 🙂 I pinned your post to reread later. Keep up the great work… I look forward to reading more! -Erin

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