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Just because you wake up on the wrong side of the bed, doesn’t mean you have to stay there!

It’s very easy to have a bad day. Waking up to dark clouds. Running late for work. Forgetting you have an assignment due in the afternoon. There are many things that can bring us down. But there are also plenty of things we can do to make things better.  

Here are ten things I like to do every day:

  1. Smile at a stranger. If you’ve ever made eye contact with a stranger and exchanged a quick smile, you know the instant delight in a simple act of humanity. I work in a building with a doctor’s office on the first floor. I often run into folks going in for their regular check ups. I always try to smile and say hi to whoever I see as I’m stepping onto the elevator. By starting my day with a smile, I know I can handle anything.
  2. Call (or text or email) an old friend. I have several friends who I know I will always be close to, but we don’t always talk often. Whenever we do talk, it’s like no time has past. But when I’m having an off day or need a pick-me-up, calling an old friend always lights up my day.
  3. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for. Even on my worst days, there are still things that I’m grateful for. By jotting them down, I can see all the things that will get me through. I keep the list handy for when I’m starting to feel down, and always know that the good outweighs the bad.
  4. Get up from work and take a walk. Sometimes it’s easier said than done, but it’s important to take breaks from work to regroup and rejuvenate. Taking a 15 minute walk will help to clear your mind and will help you be more productive. It’s also good for your health to get moving!
  5. Make yourself a cup of tea (or coffee or cocoa). Maybe this is just me, but a delicious, hot cup of tea or coffee always makes me feel better. Something about a soothing, warm beverage helps me focus and stay positive. And if it’s the afternoon, I always reach for decaf so that I’m not awake all night.
  6. Watch your favorite TV show or movie. We all have that go-to show or movie to watch when we’re feeling down. For me, I reach for Friends if I only have 20-30 minutes and You’ve Got Mail if I have a couple of hours. Having a cheesy show is always good when you need to smile.
  7. Search for corny jokes online. I love to laugh, especially when I’m having a rough day. If I need a quick pick me up, I’ll search for corny jokes online or on Pinterest. As we know, the internet is full of useless information, why not take advantage?
  8. Do something you love. For me, writing is a great outlet for any emotion. If you love to paint, crochet, cook, dance, sing, or whatever, do that thing, every day. If it makes you happy, you should always make time for it.
  9. Clean your office/house/workspace. Whenever I’m feeling a little off, doing some cleaning or decluttering always helps. Clear your space, clear your mind. The physical work is therapeutic and when I’m done, I feel more productive.
  10. Eat something healthy. I used to grab junk food when I was feeling down. Emotional eating lead to weight gain and low self-esteem in my college years. I realized later that eating a healthy snack or meal made me feel so much better. I keep fresh fruit and cut veggies on hand at all times– when I need something sweet or crunchy, these healthy options never disappoint.

These are my ten things that I like to do to make my day better.  If I really thought about it, I’m sure I could even think of a few more.  What are some things you do to brighten up your day?

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